Our word, our commitment to ourselves, our ability to decide and follow through is all we have. Everything else can be taken away.
Victoria is in lockdown 2.0 and now more than ever, we are again being tested on what matters to us and what we are committed to doing about what matters.
If you are committed to your health and well-being, then exercise is a must for you and id like to share a few levels of daily minimum commitment that I personally encourage.
A/ 60s PLANK per day
C/ 7 MIN Workout per day
It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach to fitness, like:
- Just cause you can’t go to the gym doesn’t mean training has to cease completely
- Just because you have a tiny house and no equipment doesn’t mean you don’t have choices.
- Just because you’re working 3 times as hard to make up for the lack of staff at your essential service, doesn’t mean tossing your health and fitness down the drain is a reasonable sacrifice and it’s defiantly not a sign of a “good employee” as you are going to be needed at your best for a long time.
- Just because you’ve been doing 1 hour sessions doesn’t mean it’s 60 minutes or nothing, now is the time to be flexible not rigid
Commit to your fitness in a new way, if your current model isn’t working.
Sometimes we need to adapt.
It could be as simple as doing a plank every day for 60 seconds and never missing a day for 30 days, that might be a commitment to yourself you know you can keep. Keep it!
You may like the idea of a push up challenge!
Here is something you can try:
3 max efforts, as many push ups in a row as possible with a 2 minute break for 3 total sets. Go one better and add in a 2 minute window at the end of as many reps as possible even if you do stop. Add it all up, and keep track of everything, all the sets and the total. The numbers will keep you honest.
Make a 7 minute commitment per day. Oooo that’s pushing it.... okay don’t then, pick one of the ideas above.
If thinking no i can do 7 minutes a day, thats a good commitment for me then do it. 7 minutes, as many reps as possible of:
5 push ups, 10 sit ups, 15 squats. Honestly, if it’s the difference between sitting around working all day, or watching Netflix all day and feeling like absolute crap or exercising for 7 minutes and actually feeling energised and healthy, then who cares what movements you do, just do something, you won’t regret it.
FXCK 7 minutes, I can do 90 minutes. Alright mate, calm down, we are happy for ya. Good. Do 30, 60 or 90 minutes everyday, but remember, we are talking about your minimum commitment to yourself. Heck, you might end up do 90 minutes some days and 30 minutes others. The purpose of the minimum 7 minute commitment is to snap you out of a rut, to move you from the mindset of, well if I can’t do half an hour I may as well not do anything.
The beauty of a 1 minute plank a day challenge is that if you get to the end of the day, exhausted, wrecked and you completely forgot about yourself, right before bed there’s still time to honour your word, plank for 60 and sleep better for it.
So, come on guys, this post isn’t about what’s going to make you an elite athlete or what’s going to make your ring muscle up better... but sitting around for 42 days straight certainly won’t help your chances.. so come on, let’s make a minimum commitment and who knows maybe it’ll result in a maximum impact!
choo choo
Gain train is calling
What’s your minimum daily commitment going to be?
Drop a comment below
Tristan Enright