Fundamentals is a class that we have created to ensure our new athletes have a smooth transition into CrossFit and Barbell Club. The fundamentals programs takes athletes through 2 beginner sessions where the majority of each session is focused around building strong mechanics and understanding optimal position for movement.
Two things happen when newbies transition from fundamentals to the main classes:
Classes run optimally because newbies are equipped with the tools to succeed in our gym
There is more time to focus on performance once basic fundamentals have been addressed
What can we expect from our fundamentals?
Fundamentals consists of 2 sessions with each session focusing on mechanics first and movement comprehension.
What are the 2 sessions based around?
1/ Gymnastics or body weight movements. We start here to allow to develop good motor patterns with the basics squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups, kipping, rope climbs, wall walks, handstand push ups, handstand walking, hollow body positions, planks, L-sits and everything gymnastics.
2/ Barbell – Introducing the barbell. You know know how to movem your body and external loads safely. This session is about creating efficient barbell mechanics. In this class we cover the major power lifts Deadlift, back squat, Bench press and the olympic lifts, Snatch and Clean and Jerk.
When do fundamentals classes operate?
See timetable for all information on our classes.
Can we do private fundamentals sessions at other times?
YES. You can book 1 or both, Private 60 minute sessions, for $99 per session.
What if we cannot make the fundamentals time slots?
Book a private appointment to do fundamentals, it will be money well spent because you will walk away so much better educated. Call now 0400 656 750.
What if we have been CrossFitting in the past?
You will need to call or email Tristan with your current lifting numbers and we will arrange a pre screen to address your readiness to begin.
What if I am a Regionals or Games competitor?
All Regional and Games competitors are welcome and we would love you to talk to our team about your journey to the Regionals.
What are the costs associated with Fundamentals?
We run them for $0-50 as a class depending on the time of the year.
When can we join the regular classes?
When you have completed 2 fundamentals sessions with us. If you wish to trial a few more classes before committing to a membership that is perfect too, we require you to complete both fundamentals sessions before beginning in our regular classes for safety and familiarity of movements.
BOOK TODAY for your free Fundamentals class and let us give you everything you need to get moving and get results. 0400 656 750